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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Awareness is key to everything if your goal is to move forward and make informed choices, especially true if you want to thrive with a chronic disease like diabetes.

Eighty-four million Americans are considered to have prediabetes and 20-30% are at risk of converting to Type 2 diabetes (T2). Knowing this, why aren't we spending more resources on preventative lifestyle choices?

I hope a plan to better educate patients with prediabetes about important lifestyle changes before they are living with T2. Some people push back and point out that doctors are making a big deal about something invisible: no visible signs or symptoms yet. And sometimes they dive in and try to change habits, but stop due to any number of reasons or challenges. I get it.. change is hard, however the costs are much higher due to diabetes complications, many of which are asymptomatic until deep into their disease state.

Complications are very expensive to treat. The American Diabetes Association released new research on March 22, 2018 estimating the total costs of diagnosed diabetes have risen to $327 billion in 2017 from $245 billion in 2012, when the cost was last examined. This figure represents a 26% increase over a five-year period. One in seven health care dollars is spent on diabetes treatment and its complications. With more prevention and early intervention, some of the dollars spent on treatment and complications could be dedicated to research and improved clinical care.

I have lived with Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type 1) for 36 years. Through personally understanding the daily challenges of this chronic disease, I decided to specialize in this area of helping others achieve full health and to thrive with diabetes.

Lets learn more about diabetes and its potential health risks if ignored.

Do you or someone you know have pre-diabetes, type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Are they informed about the lifestyle choices that can be easily implemented to feel better and avoid long term complications and costs? Diabetes Awareness this month is the time to learn more and not run from any fears you may have about managing your blood sugar.

Are you ready to raise your awareness and learn what steps to take? Contact me for a free health consultation.



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