Does eating fat got you scared? If so, you're not alone.
For Gen Xers, like myself we used to be confused about eating any type of fat.
Can you relate to avoiding fat? Did you or do you still think you are doing your waistline a favor, convinced that eating "fat" will make you fat?
To make it even more confusing, media and medical experts were saying all dietary fat would lead to heart disease raise cholesterol and your body weight.
Women at any age with diabetes want to maintain a healthy weight and control blood sugar and you want to do this without eliminating foods that really do support your body to function its best.
In order to know how fat in our diet can help us, we have to understand the different types.
Just like all the types of food you eat, it is about the quality you choose, and this also applies to the quality of fats you choose to eat.
What are healthy fats?
They include omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats and are considered healthy because they help the body perform many functions. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, an amazing source of energy that your body and brain can utilize.
From lowering bad cholesterol and helping shed excess weight to giving you shiny hair and strong nails, your body will reap the benefits of healthy fats.
While good fats can actually lower cholesterol levels, boost brain function and support satiety, filling up on unhealthy fats can contribute to chronic disease and weight gain. When you eat simple carbohydrates alone without including healthy fat, you are left unsatisfied. You are then left hungry for more carbs, leading to higher insulin and blood sugar levels, all contributing to weight gain.
What are unhealthy Fats?
They include saturated fats and trans fats.
A good rule of thumb is to steer clear of highly processed fats that are pumped full of additives and unhealthy ingredients. Refined vegetable oils, processed meats and snack foods like chips, crackers and baked goods are generally high in disease-causing, artery-clogging trans fats that should be avoided at all costs.
Here's a list of twelve healthy fats that women in midlife should add to their eating plan:
Fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies)
Coconut oil
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Avocado oil
Grass-fed organic beef
MCT Oil (medium- chain triglycerides)
Full fat dairy
I saved the "best healthy fat option for last" - Dark Chocolate - Not only does dark chocolate taste great, but it’s also considered a superfood as well. It’s high in fat and rich in antioxidants, which help protect our bodies from disease-causing free radicals. Choose a quality chocolate with a minimum of 70% cacao, which has less sugar and gives a better antioxidant boost!
Knowing all this, which type of fat are you going to focus on eating?
Your blood sugar, hormones, energy level, brain function, all the things' women need to keep in balance will function even better when healthy fats are brought into your diet. Notice how your body responds.
Our body loves healthy fats. Our hormones need it. Our achy joints are craving it. When all these factors come into balance you will reach a healthy weight naturally.
Focus on eliminating those processed foods and get back to enjoying real whole foods. It's all about having sustained energy, balanced blood sugar and healthy weight so you can feel good.
So don't be afraid of healthy fats, one of the three macronutrients that works with protein and complex carbs. They all work together to keep the body running like a well-oiled machine.
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